5 Things to Look at When You Choose Your Dedicated Hosting Service

March 09, 2012 TVaddS 0 Comments

There is no need for a dedicated server, if you are operating your site or blog with less traffic. On the other hand, if your site is growing with more and more traffic, then the services of a dedicated server is very much essential. A dedicated Hosting Service fulfills all your requirements.
In Dedicated hosting service, a whole server is provided and al1 those relevant requirements are placed in a person’s box separately. This is administered (not often) in joint venture with your service provider. While opting for a dedicated hosting service, some five important things are needed to be taken into account.
Traffic Handling
You need to have a thorough knowledge about the size of traffic for your site or blog. Based on the amount of traffic, you have to decide for the capacity of severs. To know the capacity of servers offered by the web hosting provider, you can go through various forums or read the testimonials of the web hosting provider.
Speed connectivity of the host to the internet
Make sure that your host’s speed connection is good. If it is slow then it will immediately replicate on your blog’s traffic. You will soon slowly losses your readers. Hence makes sure that the speed connection of your host to the internet is good.
Software of the server
You need to make a decision on which server you are going to opt for all your web hosting requirements. Two types of servers are available in the market. They are Windows NT and UNIX. So you need to choose whether all applications you plan to utilize will be compatible with that server. Also better check the accessibility of both server as you may7 be required to change both the servers from time to time.
Also make sure that your dedicating hosting service is well protected and secured. Your site or blog may be susceptible to Trojan, spams hackers and viruses. While opting for a well secured hosting service, you may be sometimes required to compromise on speed Hence check on security of the dedicated web hosting service. It is a very important aspect.
Dependability or reliability is also another important feature of dedicated web hosting service. The reliability is calculated in terms of services of backup that they offer as an emergency plan to fulfill the network breakdown demands or any type of similar emergency situations. Hence be cautious on the reliability of the dedicated hosting service as you may require it for 24x7 round the clock.